What is my name? Why address me so? Is it because of how I look or the laughter that erupts from within me? Are you jealous of my voice and all the charms I put on? And my ability to survive even in the face of odds?
You cannot suppress my voice. You cannot take my freedom away from me. You cannot make me feel worthless or weaker than I seem. I can see it in your eyes, I know your plans. But you forget one thing, we travel on different paths.
What is it you call me? Is that a name? Does it sound wonderful or like a stinging bitterness? A name meant for the downtrodden and the misfits. A name that brings about bile and causes strife among peace lovers.
I will tell you now, say it once and hope you get it. Look at my skin, it is thick. Look at the pupil in my eyes, it is black. Look at my hair, it is coarse and my skin, it is dark. I don't come in different shades, I don't change colors. I don't go purple when sick and do not go white when frightened. My anger is not red and cannot be detected neither do I go pink because I am in love. I am as unique as can be.
I am African.
Africa is me, African am I. The arid region is my home and the sun is my brother. The dense forest and the wildlife, the sprawling rivers and the flaky springs, all this defines my abode, all this defines my home.
I walk with pride and with head held high. There is a spring to every step I take. My chest heave from the rushing wind and I give my life so peace would reign. As long as you are not me, you won't know how I feel. Keep your theories to yourself and try to be African for a day.
I am black, I am proud and I am African!
Joseph Success


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