
Showing posts from 2017


Isn’t it funny how we always want relationships  to be like the perfect love story we see in movies, we wish and dream for happily-ever-after  so often that we forget that even life itself is a game and obviously not a bed of roses. Have you ever been in a relationship, where things are rosy and then suddenly turn sour? You start to wonder what could have gone wrong but you don’t ever figure it out Confusion sets in, the feeling of insecurity and then you start to feel hurt and dejected and then the well-known depression follows thereafter…. Why does it have to be so, I mean who said it has to even be like that? Everything in life has rules; even life is a game with various rules to follow. Without those you cannot really win. And so does relationship. You cannot wish for something that does not exist. You can only work hard at creating what you want but of course with a lot of effort that sometimes we are not even prepared to go through the huddles that follows...


*What is Love??* * In my own words* Love is simply SACRIFICE- The word has been defined in different terms, misunderstood and misused. So many even think of infatuation as Love. Wrong I'd say. There's a big difference between the both words. I think humans​ will never really understand what love truly means, we can only try in our different ways to give it our own definitions. Ask yourself!! *Can you love selflessly, putting others above yourself completely? *Can you still be there for someone who has hurt you a million times, turned you down and made mockery of you? *Can you die for someone else to live? *Can you forgive even when forgiveness is not an option? *Can you let go even when it's the most difficult thing to do? Some of us might be affirmative to this questions. But remember we are and will always be humans. Loving to a fault is the most difficult task in the life of a human being.. *Love is sacrifice. A sacrifice too difficult to make.* But what d...


When a guy asks a lady for a sleepover at his house...What really are his intentions? What exactly will the lady be doing? Watching TV, doing his laundry, cleanup or what... Genuinely when a guy asks me for a sleepover, the first thing that comes to mind is that he needs company for the night and of course sex inclusive! Especially for guys who don't have any sort of connection with such ladies apart from the hi-hello friendship, suddenly he's asking you to come spend the night in his house. How does it even sound... " Hi Ann can you come sp end the night at my place?" Yes it's totally fine for lovers to spend the night together but like I mentioned earlier not when we have no connection. Guys please be specific!! When you ask a lady to come sleep over knowing fully well that she's far from being your girlfriend, let her know what she's coming to do. Don't tell us to come and spend the night just to talk when you have a different thing in mind. Som...


Hey people! So it's come back after a very long time and it feels like I'm writing for the first time. Trust me writing is one of the most difficult thing to keep up with but of course not so difficult if you've got the passion. So peeps keep asking "where are you going with this writing thing sef?" And I'm like "well anywhere it takes me." I'm sure they don't get it. It's a passion, a gift, a path I've carved out, a life I'm living. It's in me!! So it doesn't really have to take me anywhere, I've just got to live the life. I've got to stay on the path. It's what makes me ME!! So yes I'm back and it's not just about me, but about you and I. Well I dunno who might stumble on this piece but I'm sure in one little way or the other, this will do someone some good. THE BIG QUESTION! Have you ever done something over and over again and then suddenly feel like it's always a waste of time?? WHAT I...


Burst ing with Dreams!! So I just woke up and something crossed my mind. Bursting with Dreams!! Still in bed, my notepad infront of me, I thought about the numerous dreams I've had through out the years.. I looked around me to see which I've achieved so far. Sadly I realized none. I realized I was still in the very spot where I dream those dreams but never made a move towards achieving them. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into months, months into years... I grow older, older with my dreams and yet nothing to show for it. So many people are going through this phase right now. Being in a position where you've got lots and lots of dreams but then you keep asking "how do I start?" I really cannot say I have an answer to that question but then here's what I think; Yes it's ok to dream Yes it's normal to be confused on where to start from And yes it's also normal to wonder if it's achie...


Be the "YOU" you can be!!! Sometimes we deny who we are and try to be a version of someone else, we lose the essence of reality. Society has made it look like if you don't be like someone else, then you can be anything better. On the other hand, someone is also trying to be like you. SMH!! What has happened to being real? We ignore our true beings just because we think some other beings are doing better than us. But that's a big fat lie. Those beings are better in their own way therefore you can be better in your own way. Does it change the fact that you are who you are when you dress like someone else? Does it change the fact that you are who you are when you walk in someone's else shoes? Of course not! Open your eyes and see you for who you are Love yourself for what you are Pay attention to your inner self and see that you can become better. Do not bury your real YOU in other to attain a fake personality and cheap fame. I believe in being diff...