Isn’t it funny how we always want relationships  to be like the perfect love story we see in movies, we wish and dream for happily-ever-after  so often that we forget that even life itself is a game and obviously not a bed of roses.

Have you ever been in a relationship, where things are rosy and then suddenly turn sour?
You start to wonder what could have gone wrong but you don’t ever figure it out
Confusion sets in, the feeling of insecurity and then you start to feel hurt and dejected and then the well-known depression follows thereafter…. Why does it have to be so, I mean who said it has to even be like that?

Everything in life has rules; even life is a game with various rules to follow. Without those you cannot really win.
And so does relationship. You cannot wish for something that does not exist. You can only work hard at creating what you want but of course with a lot of effort that sometimes we are not even prepared to go through the huddles that follows. And then we get tangled in our own mess and fall back on hopelessness.

Before you go into a relationship, precisely an intimate one, there are basic rules to follow
There are a lot of things to be prepared for. 
Things won’t always turn out just the way you want.
You have to be prepared to go south once in a while.
You have to understand that it is not just about being happy all the time.
 It is about whether you are ready to compromise a couple of things for the other’s sake. As much as you want to be happy, can you give happiness in return? 
Can you be patient and tolerant enough?
You have to understand that on some days, it is going to be just you alone in the deep sea. It is going to feel like a lot of things; loneliness, fear, anger, frustration and sometimes hate. You’ll try to reach out but it will be just you In the middle of the deep blue sea.

Now you have to understand that when you find yourself in such situation, you must be ready to save yourself from going underneath. Don’t get lost in all that storm. You’ll need to swim, fight to save yourself. Your life won’t be dependent on your partner just because you are bound by love.

Sometimes relationship can be really complicating. This usually happens when we make the mistake of assuming we know each other so well and forget that it is a process that goes on and never ends. 

During this process it’s expected to keep an open mind, not being too expectant. A lot of patience and understanding will be required to go through this process. Remember it is unending so you cannot afford to just sit and wait for a perfect love story to just happen. Whether it ends up in a happily-ever-after will depend on how much work you put in. So always remember to think it through before saying yes to the other. Brace yourself and work towards the best.


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