
Showing posts from March, 2018


Good morning folks, welcome to Annie's corner. Forgive me for the lack of consistency, but I really do hope to improve better and do more with time. So I read a piece someone posted on my status this morning and good Lord did that piece make sense. A deep and sensitive message in a few words. Why do you let people change you? You let them change you from being a reasonable, decent, and kind person (which is the default you), to the complete opposite of who you are. Why do you do that? And as you watch that once reasonable, decent, and kind person begin to use words like: "heartless", "unbothered", "nonchalant", to describe themselves. It's almost as if they've forgotten who they are and you cannot to recognize them anymore. Sometimes the problems aren't with people or what they do to us. It's with us for not checking them at the door before letting them into our hearts and ultimately our lives.. (Words of Ya...