How To Stay Positive In A Negative Environment.
Hey guys, welcome to Annie's corner once again and thanks for always taking out time to read every single post. So we're looking at how to stay positive even when we are surrounded by negative people and situations . More often than not, I hear people say when you confess positive things you attract positive things. In other words what you confess is what you attract. This has proved to be true in most cases. But my question is how can you stay positive in a negative environment? How do you deal the negativity from people around you? Knowing the kind of society we live in, knowing how conditions have tailored the minds of people to think that we have a system where nothing works and even if anything does it takes like forever. This is quite technical. Trust me the answer might sound easy but it is not an easy thing to do. In a situation where you're trying to stay positive, having positive thoughts let's say about something you intend to do or achieve , and...